APA Approved CPD points For Psychologists

American Psychological Association Approved Courses in Suicide Prevention Training

Earn CPD points (CEs) for Psychologists

Earn 3 hours of CEs for the CAMS Online Video Course.  After you have finished watching the Online Video Course, you will be directed to take the CE test to earn your credit hours and certificate.  You will be provided with instructions as to how to take the test and obtain your certificate once you enroll in the course.

American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. American Association of Suicidology (AAS) maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Credit hours are available for psychologists in all U.S. states and territories that require continuing education hours towards licensure.


My organization will be offering the CAMS Online Video Course to our staff, can we purchase access and show it to everyone in a group setting and then have them take the CE test on their own?

No, that would be a direct violation of the terms of use. The online course is intended to be an individual training experience not a group training experience.

If I don't pass the test on the first try, will I lose out on obtaining CEs?

Yes, we provide more than one chance to take and pass the CE test.

I forgot to download my CE certificate and now my access to the course is over, can I still get my certificate?

Yes, you can access your account to download your certificate. However, you will not be able to access the course.