Managing Suicidal Risk, A Collaborative Approach, 3rd Edition

The 3rd edition of Managing Suicidal Risk, A Collaborative Approach, is based on the latest research and clinical trials in suicide prevention and treatment.

With seven published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 5 ongoing RCTs, the 3rd edition includes an update of the clinical research literature, particularly the ever-increasing CAMS-related studies. It provides further exploration of a “post-suicidal life” and a new optional Living Status Form (LSF) that completely mirrors the first page SSF used in the first session for successful CAMS outcomes. The new Stabilisation Support Plan (SSP) can be used with significant others, which complements the patient’s CAMS Stabilisation Plan. It also provides insight into the understanding of how to work with teenagers and their parents.


Updated with over 65% new content

Includes all needed reproducible tools for implementing CAMS including the Suicide Status Form

The only authorised book about CAMS and a component of training in order to attain adherence in the CAMS model